I was really pleased after I finished this. I saw the idea on pinterest but done with a canvas. I thought it might look better with wood, plus I had some! I painted just a light coat of blue over the wood. My son, Gabryel helped! I may have added a bit too many pins, but hey the more the better. Trust me I got alot of lost socks laying around. I was going to put something like lost and found...odd socks...lost socks, but I thought what if I find something else in the washer/dryer that is not socks so that is how I came up with Lost and Wanted. Lost: you really "Want" to find that item you lost. So this is for my boys...if they ever loose anything in the dryer. More than likely I will tell them and probably give it to them, but I am going to try it this way for a while. Like my boys will ever come in the laundry room...only when they are going out the back door!!